Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 Wiki
Pigeon Pete
Vital Statistics
Real name Pete
Other names Pigeon Man
Species Mutated pigeon-human hybrid (originally pigeon)
Gender Male
Fur color Grey
Eye color Yellow
Other Statistics
Affiliation The Turtles;
Kirby O'Neil;
April O'Neil;
Mighty Mutanimals (formerly)
Production Details
First appearance The Gauntlet
Voiced by A.J. Buckley
"We where both guests of the Kraang. They pored some ooze on me and turned me into this."
―Pigeon Pete[src]

Pigeon Pete is a mutated pigeon-human hybrid, who was a member of the Mighty Mutanimals.[1] He eventually left under mysterious reasons.[2]


Season one[]

Pete was being experimented on by the Kraang, mixing his DNA with a human's. Kirby O' Neil asked Pete to contact his daughter, April. Pete followed April constantly. This scared her, so she and the Turtles set a trap for him. It worked, but then Pete explained why he had come. He then said he would tell them where Kirby was if they give him bread. They did and he left.[3]


  • 109. The Gauntlet
  • 312. Battle for New York, Part 1
  • 313. Battle for New York, Part 2
  • 316. Clash of the Mutanimals
  • 325. Annihilation Earth!, Part 1 (no lines)
  • 326. Annihilation Earth!, Part 2 (no lines)
  • 414. Earth's Last Stand (as lines)
  • 426. Owari (no lines)

Total appearances: 8.


  1. Battle for New York, Part 1, season 3, episode 12.
  2. Mutant Gangland, season 4, episode 18.
  3. The Gauntlet, season one, episode 12.